Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

16 Ergebnisse.

Un grande giardino

Clément, Gilles / Gravé, Vincent / Lupieri, G.
Un grande giardino
Come tutti, il giardiniere può: salutare stendere il bucato, suonare la tromba, andare a caccia di farfalle, avere la luna storta, fare regali, giocare al gatto e al topo, o al lupo cattivo, avere un'illuminazione, svegliarsi, innamorarsi, ballare, camminare, tirare la carretta, sintonizzarsi, regalare fiori, perdere la testa... è l'unico a prendersi cura del giardino! Il giardiniere del grande paesaggista Gilles Clément semina, coltiva,...

CHF 46.90

Fundamentals of Space Medicine

Clément, Gilles
Fundamentals of Space Medicine
This readable text presents findings from the life science experiments conducted during and after space missions. It provides an insight into the space medical community and the real challenges that face the flight surgeon and life science investigator.

CHF 74.00

Fundamentals of Space Biology

Clément, Gilles / Slenzka, K.
Fundamentals of Space Biology
This book is intended as an overview at the undergraduate or early university level and describes the effects of spaceflight at cellular and organism levels. Past, current, and future research on the effects of gravity--or its absence--and ionizing radiation on the evolution, development, and function of living organisms is presented in layman's terms by researchers who have been active in this field. The purpose is to enlighten science and no...

CHF 205.00

Fundamentals of Space Medicine

Clément, Gilles
Fundamentals of Space Medicine
About 1200 human space flights have been completed to date, including more than 500 astronauts from various countries, for a combined total presence in space of about 90 years. The 21st expedition crew is currently in residence aboard the International Space Station, continuing a permanent presence in space that began in 2000. During that time, investigations have been conducted on both humans and animal models to study bone demineralization, ...

CHF 286.00

Piccola pedagogia dell'erba. Riflessioni sul giardino pla...

Clément, Gilles / Jones, L. / Lapenna, M.
Piccola pedagogia dell'erba. Riflessioni sul giardino planetario
Temporali e cimiteri, land art e insetti, volpi volanti e dèi del giardino. Poi migrazioni, vagabondaggi, erranza umana e vegetale. Architetture urbane e del paesaggio. Radici secolari. Talpe sovversive e cani randagi. Un libro lungo vent'anni che raccoglie il farsi del pensiero e della pratica di Gilles Clément, giardiniere, paesaggista e filosofo francese. Ritroviamo gli incolti, il meticciato, il terzo paesaggio, il giardino planetario e il...

CHF 29.50

Manifest der dritten Landschaft

Clément, Gilles / Schulz, Anton / Schulz, Anton
Manifest der dritten Landschaft
Was geschieht, wenn Zweckprogramme, an deren überzeitlicher Geltung noch gestern kein Zweifel bestehen konnte, heute mit der großen, für ökonomische Entscheidungen typischen Plötzlichkeit wieder verschwinden? Der Übergang zu Fragen dieser Ordnung lässt eine ganze Reihe noch immer allseitig geehrter Konzeptionen im anachronistischen Licht einer Metaphysik der Jungfräulichkeit erscheinen. Der Begriff der Natur als geschichtsresistenter Antithes...

CHF 11.90

Gärten, Landschaft und das Genie der Natur

Clément, Gilles / Reimers, Brita
Gärten, Landschaft und das Genie der Natur
Wer einen Garten anlegt, entwirft sein Wunschbild der Welt.Im Einklang mit dem neuen ökologischen Bewusstsein istfür Gilles Clément der Garten der Zukunft unser gesamterPlanet, sein Gärtner die ganze Menschheit. In diesem Gartenist der Gärtner nicht Herr, sondern gleichberechtigterTeilhaber des Lebens im Garten. Das Genie der Natur lehrtihn, gegen die herrschenden Gesetze des Marktes und desWachstums, unseren Planeten um jeden Preis so zu verw...

CHF 14.50

Fundamentals of Space Medicine

Clément, Gilles
Fundamentals of Space Medicine
About 1200 human space flights have been completed to date, including more than 500 astronauts from various countries, for a combined total presence in space of about 90 years. The 21st expedition crew is currently in residence aboard the International Space Station, continuing a permanent presence in space that began in 2000. During that time, investigations have been conducted on both humans and animal models to study bone demineralization, ...

CHF 179.00

Die Weisheit des Gärtners

Clément, Gilles / Reimers, Brita
Die Weisheit des Gärtners
Der Garten ist ein umschlossener Ort, dazu bestimmt, das Beste zu schützen: Pflanzen, Ideen und den Boden, worin beide wurzeln. Seit die herrschenden Gesetze des Marktes das Leben bedrohen, ist diese ursprüngliche Definition nach Jahrhunderten, in denen die Gartenkunst im Vordergrund stand, hochaktuell! Allerdings: Der Gartenzaun ist eine Illusion, die Vögel, Schmetterlinge und Maulwürfe und die Pflanzen mit ihren Samen kümmern sich nicht daru...

CHF 22.50

The Planetary Garden and Other Writings

Clément, Gilles / Morris, Sandra
The Planetary Garden and Other Writings
Gilles Clement is a horticultural engineer, landscape architect, and lecturer at the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Paysage at Versailles. He has written many books and essays on the philosophy, ecology, and practice of landscape design. Sandra Morris is an independent scholar and translator based in Shropshire, UK. Gilles A. Tiberghien is Professor at Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and author of many books on art and landscape design.

CHF 52.50


Clément, Gilles / Gelini, R.
Questo libro parla di nuvole. È il diario di bordo tenuto da Gilles Clement paesaggista, giardiniere e scrittore - durante una traversata atlantica a bordo di un cargo da le Havre in Francia a Valparaiso in Cile. Quale l'interesse per l'inventore del "giardino in movimento" di guardare al cielo? Perché tra tutti i fenomeni naturali la meteorologia resta il più inafferrabile, quello che l'uomo, nonostante i tentativi, non è riuscito in alcun mo...

CHF 27.90

Fundamentals of Space Biology

Clément, Gilles / Slenzka, K.
Fundamentals of Space Biology
This book is intended as an overview at the undergraduate or early university level and describes the effects of spaceflight at cellular and organism levels. Past, current, and future research on the effects of gravity--or its absence--and ionizing radiation on the evolution, development, and function of living organisms is presented in layman's terms by researchers who have been active in this field. The purpose is to enlighten science and no...

CHF 201.00